Happy New Year from your Black Mountain Library Staff!
Happy New Year to one and all. We hope you read more in 2024!

What are your reading goals for 2024? Here are our staff reading goals this year:
Laura: My goal is to read a dozen local authors that are new to me, poets included.
Michelle: My goal is to read one book in Spanish every month.
Amy: My goal is 42 books – some horror, to branch out from my usual reads.
Melisa: I’m making time to meet the NoveList Plus Challenge.
JANUARY: Start off the year exploring new authors by reading a 2023 debut. NoveList tip: Search for the genre “Debut title”
FEBRUARY: Read a romance or love story starring Asian characters.
MARCH: Read a book from the last five years that’s been adapted into a movie or TV series. NoveList tip: Search for the genre “Page to Screen”
APRIL: Discover the joy of communal reading! Read to or in a group of two or more.
MAY: Read a standalone manga or the first volume of a manga series.
JUNE: Keep it quick by reading a novella.
JULY: Read a book set in Australia or New Zealand.
AUGUST: Enjoy a mix of magic and the macabre with a dark fantasy.
SEPTEMBER: Get ready for the coziest season by reading a cozy mystery.
OCTOBER: Embrace the scary by reading a creepy horror novel or ghost story.
NOVEMBER: Read a novel by an Indigenous author.
DECEMBER: Wrap up the year by reading an award-winning book from the last three years.