Friends of the Library Sales
The Friends of the Black Mountain Library hosts a variety of sales throughout the year, using all the proceeds to benefit library programs and collections.

Buy online!
Looking for something extra special? Check out the Friends of the Library online stores. We actually have two online stores, and they each sell rare and valuable treasures. Please visit these Etsy sites: Black Mountain Reads and FOL Black Mountain. We are constantly changing inventory, so check back regularly, and add some truly beautiful books to your personal library shelves.

Gift Baskets
The Friends of the Library are now featuring themed gift baskets in the permanent store! The baskets reflect a wide variety of interests and, in addition to books, also contain some other sweet treasures. Be sure to check them out when you’re in the library!

In-Library Permanent Store
We have a huge permanent store just inside the library that is available during normal library hours. Browse for treasures and take them to the checkout desk to purchase. We have clearly marked sections that will help you find the latest mysteries, cookbooks, histories, and more!

Tail Gate Market Table
Each week through the summer (May through October), we host a bright, friendly table right at the front of the market, welcoming residents and tourists alike! At our table, you can purchase a membership (join for the first time or renew!), ask questions about the Friends or the library, and browse our carefully curated weekly selection, taking home treasures for a cash donation.

Special Event Sales
Periodically, we’ll host special sales as an extension of our library store. Stay tuned for announced dates, and come browse our special sales which spill out to the front sidewalk. In the past, we’ve hosted large fall book sales and a weekend winter holiday sale. We hope to have some new plans for you soon, so don’t miss out! And be sure to volunteer during one of these events too, because they’re great fun.

Get Your Library Tote Bags!
These super strong, made perfectly-to-carry-LOADS-of-heavy-books canvas tote bags feature illustrations of all our beloved libraries across Buncombe County. They come in several colors, have a handy pocket, and are extra-reinforced for all your book buying needs. They will be available at all of our book sales.