Great turnout at BAD Craft for the Dark City Poets Society

Every third Tuesday of the month the Dark City Poets Society meets to share poetry and support the Black Mountain Friends of the Library. A wonderful opportunity to share and listen to poetry with 10% of all drink sales contributed to FOL by BAD Craft.

Overcast skies did not deter poetry lovers at the August Poetry Night

This month more than 50 people attended this free gathering at the Lowdown at Mellie Mac’s Garden Shack. Poems were shared and a community of listeners supported the poets and our Black Mountain FOL.  September 20th will be their next gathering.

Ruby has been part of DCPS for five months and “a poet forever.”

Thank you to Dark City Poets and BAD Craft for sponsoring this event and supporting our Library.  One more way to support our FOL and enjoy the power of words in poetry!