Everyone knows a library card allows you to check out books (over 35,000 at our local branch.) However, today’s library card can do SO much more! Read on for what your library card gives you access right here in our town:

1) Laptops with WiFi hotspots for internet connections
2) Seeds, yes, free seeds for herbs, flowers and veggies. Check out the potting bench in the area just before the Children’s area.
3) Jigsaw puzzles because where’s the challenge in doing the same puzzle twice.
4) Reserve the in-house piano for two hours. Call 828-250-4756 to reserve.
5) Great Courses including Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition, How to Listen and Understand Great Music, and dozens more.
6) Hundreds of Large Print books including many best sellers.
7) DVD movies, CD music albums and CD audio books, classics to blockbusters, oldies to current hits, every genre.
8) Disc for Disc Golf at local courses including Veterans Park, 10 Veterans Park Dr.
9) Assistance from our awesome library staff for research, reading suggestions and answers to all questions related to libraries. Check out the Staff Picks in the audio book section, as well as the end cap of the fiction area.
10) Free access to NC Arboretum, Asheville Museum of Science, NC Nature Center, Hands On Children’s Museum and Smith-McDowell House Museum using on-line reservation website: www.buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/library/services/zoom-local-attraction-pass.asps.
In addition to these items, there are a few things that do not require a library card, such as the electric vehicle charging station located in the library parking lot.
Be bold! Be brave! Use your library card for something besides books.