We Need You as a Volunteer!

You can help make 2024 a wonderful year! Join a great group of people as we support our community library.  FoL is looking for volunteers for a number of positions.

Please fill out our Volunteer Form Here and let us know which position is of interest.  

Etsy Store Manager – In addition to selling books in the bookstore and at book sales, the FOL also sells vintage books online.  We currently have two Etsy stores, and we could use at least one more.  Thanks to the generous donation of vintage and collectible books from our community, our inventory of books to sell online continues to grow. If you have an interest in this project, we will help you get started. You don’t need experience in online selling – you only need to be comfortable using your laptop, tablet or smartphone. With our guidance, you will be a marketing guru before you know it! 

Repair Team Members – Are you a sewer, mender, jeweler or tinkerer? A skilled repair person? Do you have a passion for sustainability and education? If yes, we a have a team for you!  The Black Mountain Library is excited to host collaborative sewing and mending events with WNC Repair Cafe. To make the events successful we need to build a community repair team. For more information or to volunteer, please email Dan at  WNCRepairCafe@Gmail.com. Or you may fill out our Volunteer Form and we’ll take care it.

Website Support – The FoL maintains its own website and sends out newsletters where we share information about the goings-on with the library, the Friends, and our community. We are looking for someone comfortable doing some light upkeep with the website and our e-mail marketing application. You would be responsible for such things as making blog posts and sending out newsletters. It would require 1-3 hours each month (depending largely on newsletter size and membership signups). Helping with this would require that you have access to a computer (desktop or laptop) and to the internet. Detailed instructions will be provided, and support will always be available.