Poetry Anthology Available Now!
The Dark City Poets Society is excited to announce the publication of their first anthology! This project has been in the works since the beginning of the year when the group decided to create something that would have more of a lasting impact within our community. Over the past several months, the DCPS has been accepting entries into the anthology, editing their work, and brainstorming with local publishers to discuss how to put it all together. As a result, Volume One of the Dark City Poets Society Anthology features poems by 26 local poets over the span of 63 pages!

Earlier this week, a poet named Jenn Neff came into the Black Mountain Library to receive her copy of the Anthology. She was so excited and touched to see her work presented in the anthology that we took her picture in front of the poetry section of the non-fiction books at the Black Mountain Library. The staff was happy to share in her excitement! It also cemented the value the Dark City Poets Society Anthology has for writers and the community alike.

Copies are available at the library for $12 per book. This is a perfect holiday gift or gift at any time of the year! FOL is proud to support this project with all proceeds going back to the Friends of the Black Mountain Library.