July Volunteer of the Month
From a young age our July volunteer of the month wanted to live in North Carolina. It took Renee Hudson many years to get here but she made it! She grew up in central Georgia, spent many years in southern Louisiana and lived in hotter and more humid Thailand for over five years before moving to Black Mountain. She constantly marvels at our wonderful mountains and weather which are perfect for her hiking and other outdoor activities. Renee is also an avid reader with an ever-growing stack of books she hopes to read, many purchased from the FOL bookstore at the library.

Renee is our outgoing Friends of the Library President and continues to serve on the Board. She also volunteers for book sorting, tailgate, and many other FOL events. Growing up in a large family and helping with cooking, Renee continues to delight in baking breads and sweets to share with friends. We are glad that she still finds time for baking as she often shares the goodies with FOL members and library staff!Thank you, Renee, for your energetic and tireless commitment to support our Black Mountain Library!