At the River ~ Documentary Film Screening on August 27
The Friends of the Black Mountain Library and the White Horse Black Mountain join with filmmaker Carolyn Crowder for a showing of her feature length documentary At The River: Struggle and Grace in the Segregated South on Sunday, August 27 at 3 PM. Carolyn, a Black Mountain resident, grew up in the segregated Deep South in a racist family and culture. Later in life she learned of a few young southern Presbyterian ministers who did take a stand against segregation through their sermons, community organizing and participating in marches and protests. They faced dangerous, hate-filled consequences for these actions. Carolyn wondered why they dared. To find out she travelled throughout the Southeast interviewing ministers, now in their 80’s and 90’s, and family members about their experiences and what it took to go against the racist currents within their local communities and congregations.

At The River chronicles their lives and their decisions, as well as director Carolyn Crowder’s first-hand experience as a young white southern girl from Montgomery, Alabama. During those mean and turbulent times these ministers, through their love and example, had a huge impact on her life in helping her overcome her southern racist brainwashing.To purchase tickets from Black Horse White Mountain, click the button below.