Diving Deeper: A Reading List to Accompany At the River documentary
If you would like to learn more about the topics and discussions covered in the At The River project the library has resources for you. Recommended reads in the Cardinal system available through the Buncombe County Libraries to accompany the At The River project.
Joel Alvis: Religion and Race (1994)
David Chappell: A Stone of Hope (2004)
Jim Chatham: Sundays Down South (1999)
James McBride Dabbs: Who Speaks for the South? (1964); Haunted by God (1972)
James Findlay: Church People in the Struggle (1993)
Jeffrey Hadden: The Gathering Storm in the Churches (1969)
Samuel Hill: Southern Churches in Crisis (1999)
Robert McNeill: God Wills Us Free (1965)
Charles Marsh: God’s Long Summer (1997); The Last Days (2004)
Martin Marty: What’s Ahead for the Churches? (1964)
Don Shriver: The Unsilent South (1965)
Lillian Smith: Killers of the Dream (1949)

Recommended reads available at Buncombe County Libraries to accompany the At The River project.
Andrew McNeill Canady: Willis Duke Weatherford: Race, Religion, and Reform in the American South (2016)
Jemar Tisby: The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism (2019)