Business Sponsorship Opportunities
The Black Mountain Friends of the Library plays a crucial role in supporting and enhancing the programs and services offered by our library, providing funds in areas not budgeted by the county. In the past year, FOL has supported many programs including a wonderful reading at the library with the North Carolina Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green, a concert by Amanda Platt of Amanda Platt and the Honeycutters, and the publication of a poetry anthology by the Dark City Poet Society.
The Black Mountain FOL is asking local businesses to step up and support the local library by becoming a business sponsor! All business sponsors will be recognized on our website with a link back to your website, thanked on social media, in our email newsletter, printed materials, and at events. Are you a local business interesting in supporting the library? Do you know a local business that might like to become involved? Show the community how much you care about your public library by clicking the button below.