Support the Friends of the Library
Your public library provides a wealth of community resources that makes Black Mountain a richer place to live. From excellent books (physical, e-books, and audio too!), to engaging events and book clubs, story times for kids and families, access to computers and free wifi, movies and entertainment, and educational resources and programs, the Black Mountain Library truly makes this town a special place to live. We have made it really easy for you to support the Friends!

Your Support Provides
- Programs for Kids and Families
- Large Print Books
- Magazine Subscriptions and Holders
- Book Carts
- Signage
- Young Adult Display
- Staff Development
- Seed Library
- Advocacy and Community Awareness
- Book Easels
- Childrens’ Library Furniture
Explore below to find the option (or options!) that best suits you!
There are some great benefits that come with donating to the Friends of the Library.
We have so much work to do to support our Library and can use all the help we can get!
We’ll take your used books and sell them at our book sales.
We have several ways for you to purchase things from us with all proceeds going to the Friends.
Our local business partners are deeply interested in the community and the library.