Your donation enables us to do many great things together to support our local library, such as providing funds for books, equipment, programs and other needs not covered by the library budget.
Your tax-deductible donations and support are greatly appreciated. Even a small contribution from our FOL donors will go a long way in helping the library continue to enhance its services in our local area.
Benefits include:
- Book coupon for a free book from the FOL store inside the library to new donors.
- Monthly FOL eNewsletter.
- Early entry to FOL Book Sales.
- FOL Annual Meeting.
- Library support through advocacy and volunteer services.
- Additional member benefits: satisfaction of being a concerned citizen who values reading, learning, and literacy.
If you would like to donate, simply fill out the online form below. The form is safe and secure and you’ll get an email confirmation shortly after submitting it.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can download a form at the bottom of this page. Simply fill it out and bring it to the library.
Donation Form
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